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Created 13-Jul-21
Modified 1-Oct-24
Visitors 4
57 photos

Adult male blue dasher dragonfly, scanning his environment for preyFemale jewelwing damselfly. The wings are held upright and eyes are deep red, spread widely on head.Eastern pondhawk eating a large beetle or bug. Also note the orange mites on underside of abdomenFemale damselfly with her wings held vertically above the narrow abdomen.Male widow skimmer, perched with wings held in characteristic horizontal position.Slaty skimmer male perched on branch, being harassed by male blue dasher.Female widow skimmer. If you look closely at her mouth, note the remnants of the most recent meal.Male eastern amberwing, one of our smaller dragonflies, with a body about one inch longMale common whitetail dragonfly.Female blue dasher, perched on iris bud.Eastern pondhawks mating pair. Male blue, female green.Male ruby meadowhawk. Note the triangular black markings on bright red abdominal segments.Female ruby meadowhawk. The black markings are evident on an orange brown backgroundTree swallow, feeding damselflies to its babies in nesting cavity.Female eastern amberwing. The eye is two toned, red above and blue-gray belowAn eastern pondhawk, about three inches long, eating a smaller meadowhawk dragonfly half its size.